Welcome back to CIS, and welcome to the Chinese New Year of the OX!
Monday, February 22, brings all of our CIS students back to school after the CNY (Chinese New Year) break. To kick-off this return, we celebrate with a traditional lion dance, bringing the festivities and excitement to our students.
After a break, I know many are excited to be back to see your teachers and friends again. Some will need the motivation to get back to routine. To ensure a smooth transition, let’s get ready and start today!
Let’s be ready for a great new year! Happy 2021! We are excited to welcome you back to CIS.
To help our parents and students, please find below some of the links with information and contact details.
· Uniform Orders:
· School Bus: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/U2fkpt20Fw71TAKhZ1g5Cg
· School Official WeChat and contact: WeChat ID: CISGZ; Tel: 020-39939333
Finally, as a reminder, please prepare your 14-day health & travel status tracking form and your most recent green travel code for school entry. Please check your class WeChat groups for more information.
Looking forward to greeting you all on Monday, February 22!
Here are some tips for our students to get back on track:
· Be prepared – review what you’ve learnt so far and prepare a checklist of what you need to achieve by the end of the school year.
· Get organised – make a plan and set your goals for this semester. Share with your teachers and friends.
· Enjoy the student life at CIS – join in all activities and learning opportunities. Make friends, collaborate and learn from and with each other.
Joyce Francis
Chief Operation Officer