

We are honored to operate a fully mature athletics program which runs from K-12. We are full members of all the regional and provincial sports conferences such as GISES, GISSA and PRC. We pride ourselves to be the only school to train their elementary population in core sports such as soccer, basketball and swimming. We are well connected to the international schools community and as a result, always present in sporting events, exchanges and tournaments. Our training programs in sport are truly special and, in many ways, one of a kind.


Driven by excellence and a desire to provide every single possible opportunity for our Grizzlies and CIS community, CIS developed and launched the Grizzlies Sports Academies. This unique concept of campus sports development that we have identified as crucial for a child's development, offers an opportunity for children in various sports such as football, basketball, swimming, gymnastics and dance. The academies are led by highly certified and qualified coaches who have extensive experience in developing young athletes and taking them to the professional level, if thats where they want to go. Many of our Grizzly Sports Academies are integrated in  after-school sports, offering a holistic school program  and also available in evenings and weekends for CIS and non-CIS students.


CIS is fortunate to have a wide range of experienced and certified coaches on staff. Our coaches are passionate about the sports they coach, dedicated and committed to your child’s overall development. We always thrive to provide your child with the ultimate experience in a fun, safe and inclusive environment.

Driven by excellence, GRIZZLY SPORTS are keen to:

Develop your child physically, socially and emotionally.

Provide your child with an opportunity to fall in love and connect with various sports.

Create an opportunity for your child to bond with teammates (who happen to be their classmates) and the coaches (many of whom happen to be their teachers).

Promote a safe, caring and inclusive sporting experience for your children while they practice, play and compete.

Present your child with an extra opportunity to acquire and practice their English language skills (learn through play).

Prepare your children for the future and set them up for success as they advance to Middle School, High School and potentially college sports.

Soccer 4

An Integral Part of School Life

Sport and well-being are an integral part of a well-rounded international school experience. The physical activity pyramid, discipline and teamwork skills students build during the Grizzlies programs are traits that last a lifetime and benefit each athlete greatly.

Our Mission for the Physical Education Program

- To cultivate a love for sport and promote the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

- To nurture students' interest in sports so as to foster a positive sporting culture at CIS.

- To encourage students to participate in sports on a regular basis and develop a healthy and active lifestyle.

- To promote fair play, teamwork, positive communication and respect.

- To provide a safe and encouraging environment for the students to thrive.

- To identify potential student athletes for further training.

You have questions, we got answers!

Please scan the WeChat QR Code for one-on-one admissions inquiry, or call the admission hotline 020-39939920 / 139 2402 5321