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CIS Vision: Our PYP Journey

Canadian International School of Guangzhou 2023-10-27


Dear PYP Community,

As your PYP Coordinator, I am deeply committed to fostering an environment where our students are not just learners but also inquirers, thinkers, and global citizens. Our journey in the Primary Years Programme is more than just a curriculum; it's a transformative experience that shapes young minds and prepares them for a dynamic world.

? Embracing Global Perspectives ?

I envision a school where every student understands the richness of diversity and actively seeks to learn from different cultures, backgrounds, and experiences. Our PYP will be a platform for exploring global issues, nurturing empathy, and fostering a sense of responsibility towards our planet.


? Fostering Lifelong Learners ?

Our classrooms will be curiosity hubs where inquiry-driven learning ignites a passion for knowledge. I aspire to see our students as self-directed learners, confident in their abilities to question, investigate, and problem-solve. We will cultivate a growth mindset, celebrating success and failure as essential steps in the learning journey.

? Strong Collaborative Partnerships ?

To achieve our vision, collaboration will be at the heart of our efforts. I envision strong partnerships between teachers, students, parents, and the wider community. Together, we will create a supportive community where everyone plays a vital role in our student's growth and development.


? Nurturing Values and Well-being ?

In our PYP journey, we will not only focus on academic excellence but also on character education and well-being. We will instill values of respect, integrity, and empathy, ensuring that our students not only excel academically but also become compassionate, ethical individuals.

? Commitment to Lifelong Learning ?

Our commitment to lifelong learning extends beyond the students. Teachers will engage in continuous professional development, staying updated with the latest pedagogical approaches to provide the best learning experiences. Parents will have opportunities to participate in PYP workshops, enhancing their understanding of our curriculum and fostering a strong partnership between home and school.


Let's embark on this remarkable journey together, where we empower our students to be confident, caring, and curious individuals who will make a positive impact on our world. Our vision is ambitious, but with dedication, collaboration, and a shared commitment to our PYP principles, we can turn it into a reality.

Here's to an inspiring PYP experience ahead!

Warm regards,

Ms. Shirley

PYP Coordinator

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