Class Spotlight | Exploring the World of Fossils!
In our ‘Class Spotlight’ series,
come with us as we visit our busy classrooms to discover quality educational experiences!
Do you love learning about dinosaurs? We do too! As one of the most popular learning topics across divisions, our Grade 4s had an amazing time discovering fossils across our key subjects, such as English Language Arts, Science, History and STEAM. This is another fantastic example of project-based and trans-disciplinary learning at CIS!
What are the Alberta Curriculum learning goals for this unit?
“I Can” Statements:
• I can Listen, Explore, Discuss and Interpret other opinions.
• I can Express ideas logically.
• I can Brainstorm in a group.
• I can Investigate the decomposition of fossils and their functions.
• I can Examine and Explain Alberta’s History.
• I can Relate Alberta’s history to my own country’s history by researching fossils.
English Language Art (ELA)
In ELA, the students researched the various fossils and dinosaurs. They created their own fossil and writing its history. They used the descriptive writing skills that were taught in class to bring their narrations to life. They wrote a draft first, then proofread, revised, and rewrote it again. This taught the children how to explore, discuss, and express ideas through writing.
Science and Social Studies
The students learned about what fossils are. They discovered how fossils are formed. They even examined how organisms die and decay. They learned how fossil fuels are used in the formation of oil, gas, and coal. To tie this scientific topic into Social Studies, they read and researched fossils that are native to Alberta. They understood that fossils add to the identity of Alberta by telling about previous life. To relate to the student’s own country, they did a report of the organisms that are native to their individual homelands. The purpose of this activity to teach the students about Alberta’s History, while learning the Science behind fossils. It’s a cross subject topic; which means all subjects are taught through one topic.
An ‘Aha!’ Moment
An “Aha!” moment was when one of our quieter students saw the word Albertosaurus on the board. She immediately knew it referred to a dinosaur discovered in Alberta! Seems simple but for her, it was a huge gain. This topic enabled our students to become better leaders because it taught them how to listen, write down notes, brainstorm and research their own ideas, and then finalize their concepts. These are skills that will make any student successful in the future.