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Planting Seeds for a Better Future

Canadian International School of Guangzhou 2023-02-17

The seeds we plant today yield food and seeds for tomorrow. This is as true in the world of education as it is in the world of science, especially when it comes to studying primary succession.

This past Wednesday in our Grade 7 Science course, students learnt the basics of 'Primary Succession' through group discussions and controlled lab experiments. The task was to use different potting materials such as gardening soil, sand, rock chips, clay pebbles, and plant seedlings to allow the gradual growth of plant organisms in an area that was previously bare. What makes primary succession a particularly important topic for CIS students to learn is that this experiment can pioneer the opportunity to create conditions favorable for the growth of other forms of plants and animals.


Learning through Hands-on Experiments

At CIS, science is an essential part of the Alberta curriculum, and it is not just about memorizing facts from textbooks. Teachers utilize the best of scientific practices to offer innovative lessons to our students, expose them to traditional and state-of-the-art educational experiences in our fully-functioning labs, to assure their success in a demanding world. Through hands-on experiments and experiences, students gain knowledge and confidence, and are encouraged to persevere as they pursue learning outcomes.


Raising Global Citizens by Working Towards UN SDGs

As future leaders, CIS students are focused on future progress and positive change, a key component of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Just like the potting materials our young future scientists used in our labs to nurture and create favorable conditions for a better tomorrow, our students, once they start their journey at CIS, will also learn, grow, change and be fully equipped for future success. CIS truly continues to be empowered by the UN SDGs and the pursuit of academic excellence in our academic journey, to ensure a sustainable path toward a bright future.


Are you curious and excited to see how this science experiment will go and what "discoveries" will be made by our future scientists in our state-of-the-art science labs? We encourage you to call us and book a visit today, for we'd love to show you our amazing learning and teaching spaces, and witness learning in action!

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