Principal's Letter

Dear CIS Community,
“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose...”
Every time the pandemic gives us yet another surprise (and there have been many), this quote comes to mind. It has been a very challenging few weeks in Guangzhou for everyone. Every single day has been different. As as a school, we have tried our best to navigate both through local protocols as well as what we truly believe works for our caring community. At times, this has meant that we’ve had to respond very quickly to changing circumstances and take it all in with patience, flexibility and hope that we will all be together again very soon.
As we work closely together to navigate these unpredictable moments, we are fortunate to have each other to make this time as meaningful for our children as possible. The digital skills and attitudes they learn now will make them far more successful global citizens in the future. While we cannot predict how the future will unfold, it is very clear that being a positive and productive digital citizen will help make that future bright.
As William Shakespeare said, "I would not wish any companion in the world but you."
At the Canadian International School of Guangzhou, we truly are partners with YOU in the educational journey of your child. This journey is not always smooth, but we are here to support you every step of the way. Remember to stay positive, flexible and open to whatever tomorrow may bring, for our choice is always to win. Thank you for trusting us, and I hope to see all our students back on campus very soon.
Your Caring Principal,
Gary Rehman