Our Yearbook: A Collection of Memories

The 2021-2022 CIS Yearbook is more than just a collection of amazing memories created by our caring CIS community. These 230 pages contain pictures, stories and moments that illustrate our entire year at CIS, from special events to home games in our indoor gym. But more than that, the yearbook production is a perfect illustration of the CIS core values:
Collaboration, Innovation and Success.

In case you’re wondering, how did we manage to gather 230 pages of memories? Well, in a single word: TEAMWORK! At the beginning of the school year, our yearbook committee came together, consisting of teachers from different departments, as well as students from Grades 7 to 12, who share the same goal of preserving the legacy of our community. Throughout the year, they collected stories and pictures, and ran the “Yearbook Cover Competition”. In the last few months in the school year, CIS teachers and students worked collaboratively to turn words and images to designed layouts and stories.

Thanks to our lovely Yearbook Committee, this yearbook is our thickest and most comprehensive to date! When you open it, you’ll witness our most joyous, touching and profound memories of the year.

A Few Words From Our Yearbook Committee:
The famous American author, Helen Keller, once said, “Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” This quote embodies the mission of the Yearbook Committee, because as a team, we have been able to achieve so much! This year, the Yearbook Committee expanded beyond what it was last year. More teachers, as well as students in Grades 7-12, were invited to join the team. Teachers became mentors, and students became designers and writers. Together, we gathered and edited write-ups, photographing the school year and creating layout designs. Students were paired with their mentors and trained to use design programs. Our meetings consisted of discussing content ideas, layout designs, font styles and sizes, as well as colors and themes, to ensure that every single memory was brought to life on paper. Everyone worked hard and without each team member, there would not be a yearbook this year! Thank you, Yearbook team. To all our readers, we know you will enjoy the 2021-22 Yearbook!